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AntsPath - Reconnecting With Past Clients

AntsPath - Reconnecting With Past Clients
Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER)
Company state: Looking for suppliers
Phone number: +359895878053
Headquarters: Bulgaria, Varna Province, Varna
Other locations: New York
Other locations: Melbourne
AntsPath - Reviving Old Sales Leads.

Retention Marketing Strategy

It has been proven that attracting a new customer is 5 to 7 times more expensive than the cost of retaining an existing customer. At the same time, trying to re-engage (reactivate) is 20 times more expensive than the cost of retaining a currently served customer. Moreover, every relationship with a customer is perceived as a strategic resource from which a certain return (ROI) is expected.

The Ant Model in Sales

You've probably heard of the "Ant Model of Behaviour" or, more precisely, how it reflects on sales. 

The concept is that if a merchant allows their customers to change their path in another direction, they are irretrievably lost. This is a regularity if they find an alternative supplier, other things being equal in the market.