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Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Doral, FL was born like any other company, looking the perfect name that could represent our creative mindset team. Trying to come up with an easy name to remember that was also available online. By the end of 2015, many domains started coming out as “.marketing”, and our creative team started to brainstorm ideas about a name that could describe what we are, and what we do; a name that could be easy to understand and also be recognized in Miami. Taking into consideration that the headquarters is based in Miami, Florida, it was easy for us to come up with the idea of using one of the two area codes in Florida as our name. After debating between 305 or 786, our team came up with such a phenomenal concept for 786 as the name of our marketing company that we could think of any other option. Not only the name was the perfect match for the company, but also the colors used to represent us. We believe in the youth, we believe in young minds that are ready to explore the planet; and that is why we want to encoura