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Far West Media Services
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Rolling Hills Estates, CA
Since, 1988 Far West Media has been built on a solid foundation of strategic, educated professionals that have a long-standing relationship with local, regional and national media markets. We think media buying is more than placing an order, its negotiating to get as much exposure and value for our clients. Media placement is key for branding and reaching your targeted audience. With our many years of media experience we will educate you with the most efficient and effective advertising medium that will be successful for your business. Our commitment to media excellence starts with our clients needs. We are proud of the business accomplishments we have helped our clients achieve and look forward to the future challenges that provide for continued growth and achievement. *Television (National / Local / Syndication) * Radio *Outdoor * Digital *Production *Ethnic Targeted Campaigns * Celebrity Endorsements