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Quadrate28 Corp

Quadrate28 Corp
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: Kyiv, Ukraine
Quadrate 28 Corp. is the first in Eastern Europe group of companies that works in the format of ‘team on-demand’ for startups, small and medium businesses. The format of ‘team on-demand’ means that we completely build marketing & PR, finance, sales departments of the client’s company while working remotely. We also have Q28 HR to help to find marketing and sales specialists of different levels including C-level positions. Founded in 2014 Quadrate28 has grown to over 70 employees and now works with clients from US, EU, and Asian markets. The company's offices are located in Ukraine (Kyiv), with representative offices in Spain (Bilbao), Poland (Warsaw). Our main departments are: Q28 SMB - key specialization is marketing strategy + promo plan development and implementation of marketing solutions. We help companies achieve business goals by building a marketing system from scratch or by improving and adapting an already enabled model. We save time for business owners to select a marketing team by forming working