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Wassp Advertising

Wassp Advertising
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: South Africa, Johannesburg, Gauteng
Wassp has been around since 1998! Years of advertising experience channelled into new media and combined with vast digital experience has given rise to a niche digital agency. We have all-round digital skills with a specialisation in all-things social. The team consists of a mix of skilled, experienced ad people and younger, dynamic individuals making their mark on the industry. Being leaner and more agile, our business utilises less processes and departments than larger agencies improving our turnaround, efficiency and communication. Oh, Size Does Count. With digital being a disruptive channel, we have crafted an agency that can effectively out-pace the larger agencies and deliver effective ROI’s that will blow traditional advertising budgets apart. Meeting your requirements. Wassp can help you to develop an online strategy and ensure that you are extracting maximum business potential from the web with sound financial planning, while guaranteeing a return on investment. For those with a firm grasp of the onl