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Headquarters: Long Island, New York is a zero stress automated content solution. Stop ignoring the social channels you don't like, because a lot of potential customers do and they're not seeing you there. Stop posting the same generic content no one wants to read or share - we hand pick and hand write content to capture attention and keep it. It's not enough to post online when you feel like or when you remember - consistency is key to staying relevant. Half of your sales problem is people don't see you enough. Be found everywhere they are by putting out engaging content on all platforms and drive them in. We Analyze: Your content advisor will work with you to discover your unique selling points and come up with a plan to hammer those points in to your customers. We Target: Next, we assemble a plan of attack to get content in front of customers where they are and when they're likely to see it. We Get Results: Last, we track engagement to constantly evolve our content and make sure it's always optimized to deliver.