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Get listed freeElephant Hero Group

Elephant Hero Group
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Beverly Hills, CA
Elephant Hero Group (EHG) is an Award Winning progressive entertainment company with a diversified portfolio of specialty goods. EHG focuses on leveling the playing field and building iconic brands globally in Entertainment, Beverage, Spirits and Technology. Creative Conceptual Development, Marketing, Branding and Strategic Disruption is what we do and resilience is in our DNA. Elephant Hero Group encourages creativity and teamwork is a must. The goal is to have every team member agree that “This is the best job I have ever had”. This is the most important ingredient for the success of EHG. Our passion is cemented knowing that every person that works with us is excited to show up to work every day and that each employee is doing what he or she loves. Elephant Hero Group is a leader at creating ground-breaking content for TV & Film. We are a hybrid with the perfect mix of a creative agency and a production studio. Elephant Hero Group works across all media, using highly talented partners that create impactful