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Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Bournemouth, Dorset
The Birth Of Love it Like it Share it! The creation of this company was a real, cartoon animated light bulb moment. It was serendipity really. My partner and I happened upon a fabulous looking donut shop that we never even knew existed. After a quick check on social media, the reason was clear. A lack of social media consistency and visibility. I asked myself, why aren't they doing much here? Time? Knowledge? or both? And if they aren't doing it, why not get someone else to do it? And there it was. The lightbulb flickered on and I realised there was an opportunity. Research told me that 49% of small businesses don't put enough focus on their social media. Further research told me that services like this cost most businesses around £250-£500PCM! 'How can a smaller business afford to spend that?' I pondered. And then realised that most can't. My partner and I discussed the idea of putting together a business that focused on helping businesses make the most of their social media without breaking the bank and so