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Get listed freeSpielwarenmesse eG
Spielwarenmesse eG
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Germany, Nuremberg
You probably know us from the Spielwarenmesse itself. But there is so much more to our story! We are: A MARKET LEADER Spielwarenmesse eG has been organising the world’s largest platform for the toy industry for more than 70 years. INTERNATIONAL We connect toy markets worldwide, with international subsidiaries and trade fair participations. As a truly global player, we have local representatives in over 100 countries. INNOVATIVE The Spielwarenmesse is constantly evolving: we create new special areas, restructure halls according to the needs of the market, bring start-ups to trade fairs and continuously expand our services. But that’s far from all! We also created Insights-X, the meeting place for the paper, office supply and stationery industry, in 2015. And our ability to innovate is demonstrated through the advertising agency Die roten Reiter GmbH. A TREND RESEARCHER Spielwarenmesse eG is always on the lookout for the latest trends and innovations. We work with international experts to highlight the trends o