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Aircover Communications

Aircover Communications
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: Mountain View, California
Welcome to Aircover Communications. Stories, Strategies, and Media. That's what we're all about. Everyone has a story to tell. The trick is to make it interesting, simple and clear. Sounds easy, right? Not really -- especially in the world of enterprise technology where acronyms and technical jargon make it impossible for mere mortals to decipher what you are saying -- let alone care. At times, translating hieroglyphics is easier. Good stories have tension. They have a beginning, middle and end. Good stories focus on the "Why"​ not the "How"​ or the "What."​ Building a strategy is simple. Maybe. But... does it connect to the business strategy? Does it behave like a campaign? Does it feed the demand-gen funnel? Is it aligned with marketing? Does it connect to trends that are bigger than you? Does it start from the result and work backwards? Not so simple anymore. The construction of a good communications strategy is like conducting an orchestra -- there are a lot of moving parts and they had better be all in s