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B7 Innovation
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: London, London
We specialise in finding out the most compelling thing a brand can say or stand for in a 3 Second world. Only 1 in 20 branded messages are positively received by people. Most brands try to say too much, or say the wrong thing. Insight is based on evolving existing thinking, and concept testing tends to focus on 5 or 6 safer options as higher risk ideas are sacrificed. Our approach is different Because we all make decisions intuitively and subconsciously (even when we think we have acted rationally & consciously), it means a lot of traditional "system 2" research doesn't give true answers. Our methodology is called 3SecondSense. From scoping the brand's possibilities, to creative stimulus and quantitative testing. Why it's different: - unlike virtually all market research, 3SecondSense genuinely works in the 'System 1' intuitive mind-set - is emotionally engaging - allows teams to be creative and explore multiple new ideas - helps global or big teams align more easily Typical client problems: “Help us find an