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Demand Works Media
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Chicago, Illinois
Advanced Customer Acquisition for the Complex Sale: DemandWorks’ unique demand generation programs enable you to deliver your content, to the right buyer, at the right time, on any device. With personalized user experience, dynamic content, predictive targeting, mobile optimization, and custom ‘pay for performance’ pricing, you can be sure of ‘guaranteed response’ with some of the best conversion rates in the industry. Engage - Convert - Acquire The days of mass broadcast, static content email newsletters are over, guessing which content readers might like to see and ‘hoping for a bite’ only results in poor conversion. Here at DemandWorks we’re passionate about delivering a fully personalized 1:1 email experience, gathering real-time data around preferences, technology, and research, and then acting on that data to drive superior engagement and enhanced conversion.