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Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: United States, Farmington, Michigan
Find More. There’s a difference between listening and actually hearing what someone really thinks about you. Truth is, the people that are most important to us are sometimes those whose opinions we blithely dismiss. Personally, not a great approach. Professionally? Equally as disastrous. Do you know how those who matter most to your success perceive your company? It just may be very different than the brand essence or corporate personality you believe you have or should? Are your brand messages motivating … inspiring … engaging? At Tango, we work with you to find the creative space where what you’re selling and what your public is buying meet. When you find that magic in your message, engagement and action are natural outcomes. We’ve helped find it for organizations large and small, in diverse industries and with a range of budgets. Chances are, we'll do the same with your organization, too. We can help you find more. Specialties Hard working, engaging creative that activates brands, positions ideas and compa