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Bruce Gordon Media
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: United States, Santa Monica, CA
(For full information see "Bruce B. Gordon" at: Consultant/CEO/Writer-Producer-Director-VO-Actor-Songwriter (Film/TV/Ads/Marketing/Promo) at Bruce Gordon Media Web site: Consultant on All Aspects of Storytelling for Entertainment, Social Media, Advertising, Marketing & Promotions Consultant services for writing, music, TV & film (development, production, post, festivals & marketing)– including career & creative life coaching– are available upon retainer & by referral only. (No unsolicited submissions, please). Seeking a first-look deal with development funds for my slate of multiple feature film & TV projects which are in various stages of development. Multiple feature film & TV projects in various stages of development. An enduring passion for telling stories of healing & recovery that entertain international audiences, win critical awards & have blockbuster success at the worldwide box office. Films designed to bring people together, by f