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Gabriel Media
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: United States, Nashville, Tennessee
WOULD $500,000 IN NEW, DIRECT ANNUAL BUSINESS FEEL REALLY GOOD RIGHT NOW? WHAT IF WE TOLD YOU IT WILL TAKE 8 WORKING DAYS TO GET IT? THAT IS ONE OF THE MANY THINGS WE DO AT GABRIEL MEDIA WITH OUR BUSINESS REWARDS, BUSINESS TRENDS and 20/20 MEDIA “OPEN HOUSE”. Owner’s Note: Gabriel Media was created to be the anti-thesis of “inventory companies” that are in the market place. Our telemarketing partners cold call businesses and then hand the leads to the sales people—so they can stay on the streets selling! We do not hard sell business owners with snake oil approaches. Every where we go, IT IS THE SALES PEOPLE who want Gabriel Media back!