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TeleNet Marketing
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: United States, Athens, GA
TeleNet is an expert in developing effective demand generation strategies that drive revenue. Leverage our custom lead generation and human-touch lead nurturing services to fuel your pipeline with voice-to-voice qualified leads, which identify infrastructure and need. Utilize our best practices for a tight marketing and sales alignment, enabling faster pipeline advancement and a higher return on your investment. Tap into 18 years of targeted teleprospecting and human-touch experience supporting many of the world's largest high-tech companies. TeleNet has conducted countless lead generation campaigns and lead nurturing initiatives into Enterprise and SMB markets within nearly every vertical. Leverage our custom services to fuel your pipeline with sales-ready leads. Benefit from our three-tiered organizational structure, allowing TeleNet to effectively execute both your tactical and strategic teleprospecting initiatives.