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Get listed freeAlison Hoenes Design
Alison Hoenes Design
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: United States, Saint Louis, Missouri
So many designers and fashion business owners have such a clear vision for the unique clothes they want to make and the niche customer they want to make them for, but the path to get those designs from sketch to final product is not so clear and at times even overwhelming. They feel intimidated by where to start, don’t feel in control of the development process, and are afraid their lack of industry technical knowledge will lead to mistakes that will cost them their company’s cash or reputation. I’m a patternmaker who helps women’s slow fashion brands who want to create fashion that fits their customer, lifestyle, and values overcome those technical unknowns and get designs to production with confidence. And, ultimately, enjoy the smiling faces of their customers wearing their designs! I truly enjoy all the technical details that go into making flat yards of fabric fit a three-dimensional body. I have so much fun working with brands like you to make clothes that fit – developing clothing that makes your custo