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Headquarters: United States, Leesburg , Virginia
Lisa Nirell, the "Top 200 Global Leaders to Watch for 2022" (leadershum) and Chief Energy Officer of EnergizeGrowth®, has a single mission: to help marketing leaders build stronger companies and better lives. Since 1983, Lisa has worked with LinkedIn, USA TODAY NETWORKS, AARP, Google, BMC Software, Adobe, Microsoft, and hundreds of entrepreneurs in nine countries. Lisa is also an award-winning expert speaker, livestream host, and a contributor to LinkedIn Learning,, Forbes CMO, and others. She also authored EnergizeGrowth NOW: The Marketing Guide to a Wealthy Company and The Mindful Marketer: How to Stay Present and Profitable in a Data-Driven World. Download free learning resources at Lisa Nirell is also the founder of several CMO peer communities, including Marketing Leaders of DC™ and Atlanta. Innovative companies such as Adobe, Infor, Gannett/USA TODAY, and Hilton hire Lisa to gain fresh insights, formulate new strategies, and launch breakthrough marketing ideas. Lisa was a