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The Gild

The Gild
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
We believe the branding industry needs to move on, and we're doing something about it. The days of playing buzz-word bingo to create a positioning in an onion, and then watching comms agencies run amok are over. We believe that the brand strategy should deliver a positioning, an essence which is one and the same thing as the creative platform. Of course, we need to develop an insight, a point of difference, a framework. We still need the Science bit. But it's only a means to an end. We also need the Art. We need to make it zing off the page, to show our clients how our strong strategic thinking can be integrated with great creative. It needs to be media neutral, it needs to be built on a foundation of the consumer, the business and the brand, not a cheap TV spot or a required number of likes. But critically it needs to inspire everyone. It needs to be the spark of genius that lights-up the imagination and galvanises clients and agencies into aligned action. To deliver on this joined up thinking, we have a team that come from all spectrums, Futurebrand, Fallon, Face, McKinsey, Tomato, Naked. We need to be able to speak the language of the people who use our strategy, not just talk to ourselves. As Einstein said, creative is strategy at play, so we really need the Science and Art to work together. We are the team with the creative vision, the people who create the idea and guide the client through it.