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Water Bear Marketing
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: United States, Cleveland, OH
At Water Bear Marketing, believe that in today's world, there is no room for guessing with your advertising dollars. We help our customers get a return on their online advertising dollars and prove the results with our reporting. Our team has managed thousands of online marketing campaigns for retail, industrial, and commercial businesses, such as: agencies, law firms, medical and dental practices, non-profits, construction companies, country clubs, banks and schools. We have more than a decade of digital marketing experience. We separate ourselves from our competitors by leveraging proprietary technology that gets smarter over time and tracks phone calls (includes call recording), emails, and website submissions. We provide 24/7 reporting access to prove return on investment. In the reporting, you will be able to see what ads are working, what ads are not working, we will track website form submissions, and most importantly to our clients, call tracking which includes call recording. We report on impressions