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Huptech Web Private Limited
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: India, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Huptech's inception was with a young achiever's vision to blur the lines between technology and businesses using the Internet. The company was formed with 2 individuals, but the unwavering determination to succeed in what we are best at has augmented our team. With 30+ members on board in just 4 years of inception, Huptech has proved to be the ace in the deck. Soaring in the international skies without having to touch the bottoms is a success on its own, and the Huptech Web has owned it as a team. Our team encompasses the best of designers, developers, project managers, SEO executives, and writers. We follow unique hiring; we choose a talent in its raw form over talent "on paper." Huptech Web focuses on team development as much as it focuses on its clients and acquisition. Our philosophy is to achieve excellence. We don't leave any stone unturned when it comes to satisfying our customers. We create simple yet lavish designs with feasible navigation and accessibility. We continue to make edits until we hit the