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Fade 2 Black Productions
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Boca Raton, FL
Company History The origin of Fade 2 Black Productions begins with the tale of two young college students. Zachery D. Powell and Daniel J. Sanz met at Florida Atlantic University, working as directors in the distance learning and broadcast department. After a few character building semesters, the two young lads discovered a handful of freelance video opportunities and, bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, they decided to join forces. Armed with a used broadcast camera owned by Zachery, and a home computer configured for video editing by Daniel, the two of them were ready to take on the world of professional video. They started out simple, producing family event videos and small corporate jobs. Their biggest thrill came from the delivery a bar mitzvah, their first client. "We were excited but extremely nervous," recalls Daniel, "what if they didn't like the video? What if they were unhappy with it and our business started off on the wrong foot?" The client called back two hours later extremely pleased and began