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Brij Raj Niwas Girls PG

Brij Raj Niwas Girls PG
Company state: Looking for clients
Phone number: 99110 98990
Headquarters: India, Delhi, New Delhi, 186-B, Hari Nagar Ashram, New Delhi, Delhi 110014
Girls PG in Ashram, Bhogal, Jangpura and New Friends Colony

Brij Raj Niwas Girls PG is the most luxurious, comfortable, and cheapest Girls PG in Hari Nagar Ashram in South Delhi for girls and working women. We provide double and triple shared and private rooms, equipped with box beds and separate steel almirahs with lockers. We provide comfortable accommodations, tastefully decorated, clean, and well-maintained rooms, with all modern amenities. We understand your needs, and our Girls PG has been a destination of choice for corporate and professional students from various states of our country. We are centrally situated near Ashram Metro Station and renowned as the best Girls PG in Ashram, Bhogal, Jangpura, and New Friends Colony.