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I'm absolutely thrilled about the opportunities that Ascend-Solar has brought my way, and I'm eagerly anticipating the challenge of building a team from scratch. What truly fuels my passion is the opportunity to educate homeowners about solar energy. From explaining how solar energy works to highlighting the contributions made by federal and state governments, and, most importantly, demonstrating how much money can be saved, it's a journey I thoroughly enjoy. Even for those with relatively modest energy needs, the potential for $20,000 in savings over 20 years is quite remarkable. Many of our customers are actually saving around $30,000 over that same period. That's a substantial sum of money that can make a significant impact on their lives. We're constantly exploring new and exciting avenues to connect with people who can benefit from our expertise. Furthermore, we're committed to giving back to the community by donating a portion of our sales to charitable causes. If you'd like to discuss potential events, marketing strategies, or fundraising ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out to us today.