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Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: United States, Rockford, Illinois
We admit our name is a little different. We've been asked about it during many conversations, meetings and social situations. It's not our street address. Not our lucky Lotto numbers (yet...). They're our global coordinates. 42N, 89W. It's literally where we are - our Position. Marketing starts with positioning. Where are you right now, and where do you want to go? The route to follow is the creation and execution of a marketing plan. We are the exact location from where your brand should start its next journey. The companies we represent are based in a variety of B2B markets – industrial manufacturing, food processing, marine and automotive, construction and off-highway, renewable energy, coating and finishing – and our “client size” doesn’t fall within a set parameter. Whether you’re a global entity or a US-based group, or a small niche startup trying to make your mark, if you are serious about marketing your brand then that’s what is most important to us. Are you truly communicating with your customers? Ar