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Smart Hive
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: United States, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Smart Hive partners with brands and organizations with complex communications, abstract strategies, lost brands and tricky content to create visualizations and creative content that are both interesting and beautiful. We believe in the power of images. We believe in the value of visualization. We know that data is complex; we believe that complexity brings opportunity to those willing to work through it. We relish that role. We’ve seen the strength of brands. We’ve helped them tell their stories in rich and powerful ways to help them reach those that matter to them the most. Without such stories, brands get lost in the shuffle, relegated to the back of the bin or the middle of the pack. Visualization and content creation are two of the best ways we differentiate and position. We work with: - Marketers looking to better communicate and build brand - PR agencies looking for creative content to build buzz - Publishers looking for creative content to