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Get listed freeCBC Automotive Marketing
CBC Automotive Marketing
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: United States, Saco, Maine
Since 1983, CBC Automotive Marketing has handled the full-service marketing needs for some of the most successful automobile dealers and dealer groups in North America. CBC people have earned a reputation within the retail automotive industry for being more like "car people" than "ad people." In fact, one CBC client summed it up well when he said, "I can’t stand ad agencies. That’s why I hired CBC." CBC helps good dealers become better by providing custom solutions to overcome their business challenges. Clients large and small view CBC as an advertising 20-Group, enabling them to exchange proven ad campaigns and tested marketing ideas with other successful dealers. CBC currently provides comprehensive advertising and marketing solutions on a daily basis for over 100 dealer rooftops across North America. If you're one of the many dealers struggling with market share, creative and branding issues, multi-channel integration, or you simply have traffic concerns, we would like to explore your needs with you and wh