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Clapp 360 Communications
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Baltimore, MD
Tired of all the marketing jargon, hype and fluff? So are we! We're business owners too and know when you invest your marketing dollars, you want a return. That's what we focus on! We're open minded, data driven and focused on results. C360 is a full-service, marketing, advertising, public relations and media agency located in Baltimore, Maryland. We focus on education, health care, nonprofit, association, hospitality, government and development clients. Partnering with our clients, we function as their CMO or an extension to their marketing team. We're consistent in our 3-step approach: 1. discovery and clarifying your message; 2. updating your materials and website; 3. turning on the media channels that drive results. C360 focuses on driving marketing results so our clients can stay focused on their business. Check out our website: John Wanamaker (department store owner in the early 1900's) is famous for saying "50% of my advertising budget is wasted. I just don't know which 50%." What's am