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I Imagine

I Imagine
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
IT’S AMAZING WHAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE WHEN YOU DARE TO IMAGINE. Imagine a team of seasoned communication professionals who are dedicated to solving problems—a team who sees fresh possibilities and knows how to achieve them. Imagine professionals who have years of experience building brands, and who can make brand development and activation work together. Imagine people who are passionate about products and services that improve the quality of life, enhance our communities and protect our environment. Imagine a dedicated agency that works with clients at the beginning of the process for strategy and brand development, at the end to execute online and offline elements, and at any point in between—even serving as the marketing team, when needed. Just imagine all of this, and you’ve imagined a trusted partner to grow business. We are the I Imagine team. Get to know us today.