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North West Design Studios

North West Design Studios
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: Bolton, United Kingdom
Founded in 2005 NWDS became a limited company in 2008 and has continued to grow each year. We now provide media services to over 40 clients and have built hundreds of websites. Over the last 8 years we have built up a loyal client base from sole traders to multi million pound companies over a diverse range of segments. Our clients include leading retailers in white and brown goods, clothing , home furnishings, travel as well as legal services and claims specialists. We have strong connections in the local property market through our sister company North West Property Guide Ltd along with a cost effective design and print service through the third company in our group Affordable Leaflets Ltd. Since becoming a Limited company in 2008 we took the view that providing purely media design, planning and booking services should only be a part of our offering to clients and we quickly built up a web design team to complement our Graphic designers and meet the demands of online marketing as well as a radio commercial p