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Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Centennial, CO
BB2e - Building business with the power of CRM, Commerce and Collaboration - Digital Transformation - Strategy , Innovation, Models, Acceleration - CX - Engagement, Journey, ABM, Partners, Long Term Value Creation - eCommerce - Web store, Merchant, Mobile, Payment, PoS, Inventory - ERP - FIN, SCM, HCM, CRM, Doc Mgt. Portal, Analytics, Insights - HCM - Engagement, Develop, LMS, Recruit, Onboard, Benefits - Informatics - Data Mgt., AI, BI \ KM, Analytics, Workflow, Reporting - Integration Services - Cross platform - UI \ UX, Security, API, Mobility, Dev Ops Call us at (720) 529-5574, [email protected]