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The Right Brain Studio
Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: Los Angeles, California
We help companies grow. But not every company. Only those with the courage break new ground. Everyone talks “innovation,” but it’s hard to for most to venture out of their comfort zones. However, the risks of complacency far outweigh the risks of change. So we are not here to make you comfortable, to tell you what you already know, or to help rationalize the past. Our aim is to help you grow. The Right Brain Studio provides fearless, provocative thought leadership to spread the culture of growth in your company. We are relentless in our pursuit of growth wherever it may be found, in your current assets, line extensions, new products or new channels. We don't define “Innovation” as new products, nor do we feel that Innovation is a department or stand-alone enterprise in an organization. Reinvention is equally important as invention. Both require an abundance of open-mindedness and creativity.