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Stellar Studios

Stellar Studios
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: United States, Johnson City, TN
Stellar Studios is an interactive design and development firm, specializing in website design and development, extranets, intranets, KIOSK design and development, iPhone/iPad app design and development, Android phone and tablet app design and development, Search Engine Optimization and more. Since 1998, Stellar has been providing award-winning local, national and international interactive content. We design, develop and deploy on the world’s top internet platforms, including php/mySQL on LAMP environments, MSSQL/.net on IIS, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile. Marketing and development in social media are a must in today’s marketplace and we excel at both. Stellar has gained clients thousands of Facebook “Likes” and YouTube followers with interactive games, contests and other creations. Our clients will attest to our knowledge and production speed. Once a deadline is established, that the deadline will be met. Unlike more traditional agencies, Stellar Studios can quote, develop and deploy a single project withou