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Company state: Looking for business partners
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Headquarters: United States, Southfield, MI
Impatto is an integrated ad agency. Part art and part science, we are rooted in unbridled passion and the entrepreneurial spirit. Impatto is about straight talk, smart development and getting the job done. Impatto is a diverse team of free thinkers, constantly challenging the status quo and dedicated to the notion that good enough never is. Driven by the fundamental belief that ad agency’s should focus on the input, not the output . Our purpose is simple: develop and articulate a brand’s most compelling and profound truth in organic, relevant and engaging ways. Every business has a heart and soul and that is what connects most with consumers. From Ford to Fiat - the F150 to the Fiat 500, the Fiat Toluca Get Ready film to the Fiat 500 Simply More launch campaign, we believe all great marketing and ad campaigns should have an organic truth that speaks to people in relevant and engaging ways