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The ROI Group

The ROI Group
Company state: Looking for business partners
Phone number:
Headquarters: Costa Mesa, CA
The R.O.I. Group is a marketing, business development and market research agency specializing in generating demand, driving sales and building brand value for considered purchase products and services. There are two types of purchase decisions: 1) Impulsive, and 2) Considered. Impulse purchases are unplanned and often driven by curiosity, ego and emotions. They range from inexpensive products (chocolate, clothing and magazines) to very expensive products (jewelry, vehicles and works of art.) Considered purchases typically involve three or more of the following: 1. Evaluation of competitive offerings 2. Higher price tag/investment 3. Multiple decision makers 4. Purchased by a professional 5. Sales process Our ability, success and invaluable experience at planning and executing effective, highly creative marketing communication campaigns for considered purchase products and services is what sets us apart from “generalist” agencies. If your products and services are a considered purchase and your brand isn’t mea